Brazilian waxing and Jax Wax Australia waxing products
Jax Wax Australia hot / hard waxes are attractively packaged, have alluring scents and the ingredients contained in the products are as natural as possible. The famous Jax Wax Australia hot beaded strip less waxes are packaged in economical, easy to use heat sealed bags, they remain flexible for longer, remove the hair first time, every time but more importantly they remove the hair easily and painlessly.
Hot / hard waxes used without strips and are best suited for smaller treatment areas, sensitive skin, facial and intimate waxing.
Jax Wax Australia’s range of Pre and Post waxing products have been formulated to be very versatile in their use before, after, and during the waxing treatment.
Some of our products contain ingredients that make them more beneficial in targeting problems such as ingrown hairs and certain skin conditions. All of our pre & post waxing products play an important role in the waxing treatment.
Jax Wax was established in Australia in 1983. From 2003 they started manufacturing depilatory waxes under the name Adam and Eve but changed the name to Jax Wax in 2017. Jax Wax Australia is well known for its high quality all over the world.
Jax Wax vahade valikus on erinevaid põnevaid värve ja lõhnu, võimaldades spetsialistidel valida parim kombinatsioon, mis sobib nende salongi. Toodetes on kasutatud aroomiteraapia lõhnasid nagu lavendel, magus apelsin, sandlipuu jne.
Jax Wax vahad on täissünteetilised ja seega sobivad veganitele ja allergikutele, sest ei sisalda männivaiku ega mesilasvaha. Vahad on madala sulamistemperatuuriga, ülima elastsusega ja nahka vähe ärritavad, mis sobivad isegi kõige tundlikumale nahale.